Healthy snacks to pack your kids in the new year

Start with classic kid-favorites like yogurt pouches or Goldfish crackers and health-ify where you can.

Start with classic kid-favorites like yogurt pouches or Goldfish crackers and health-ify where you can. (iStock)

If your child is the one who brings her untouched lunch home every day, surprise her with these healthy snacks for kids at school.

Nothing makes me feel more like I have my life together than those weeks when our fridge is stocked with our favorite healthy snacks for kids to bring to school. A little prep time over the weekend is well worth the saved time and mental energy throughout the week. And having all of our kids’ snacks planned and prepped also prevents those afterschool meltdowns when I’m frantically searching our pantry for something that’s not deep-fried or expired.


Creating healthy meals and snacks for our kids is certainly daunting but not impossible. Start with classic kid-favorites like yogurt pouches or Goldfish crackers and health-ify where you can. Here are 50 of our favorite ideas to get you started.

Our Ultimate List of Healthy Snacks for Kids at School

Lunch Box Pizzas are easy to pack, and your child will actually eat them!

-Cut out the artificial ingredients by making your own Homemade Honey Grahams.

Avocado Egg Salad Toast is creamy and delicious; the healthy fats and protein will fill your child up until after school.

-Whole-wheat pretzels with a Mini Babybel Wheel is quick, simple and filling.

-Make a batch of Double Berry Quick Bread for easy snacking a serving of fruit.

Healthy Greek Bean Dip is packed with plant-based protein and perfect with whole wheat pita chips or fresh veggies.

-A Berry Smoothie Bowl can be frozen ahead of time and packed in an insulated thermos.

-You can never go wrong with apple slices and Whole Grain Goldfish Crackers.


Asian Wraps have a satisfying crunch and sneak in a variety of veggies.

Garbanzo Stuffed Mini Peppers may take a little convincing but once your child tries them she’ll be hooked.

-Surprise your child with Orange Berry Yogurt Muffins; they definitely don’t taste healthy!

-Whole-wheat pretzels and raisins are a quick snack with a hint of sweetness.

Spinach and Turkey Pinwheels

-Give your child some afternoon energy with the fruit and whole grains from these Rhubarb Oat Bars.

-Freeze individual servings of Peach Smoothie and allow them to thaw during the school day.

-Combining pear slices and string cheese is the perfect blend of carbs, protein and fat to give your child the energy he needs.

-For a heartier snack to satisfy serious afternoon hunger pangs, pack a couple of Turkey Ranch Wraps.

Yogurt Honey Fruit Cups taste like dessert and are packed with protein and vitamins.

Apple Spice Muffins are quick to prepare and way healthier than grabbing a muffin at the coffee shop.

-Stir together no-sugar-added applesauce and greek yogurt for a yummy and healthy parfait.


-There will be no more complaining about boring snacks with these Muffin Tin Tamale Cakes.

Granola Blueberry Muffins can be made ahead of time and frozen individually.

-If your child doesn’t love trying new foods, ease in with sweet Fruited Turkey Wraps.

-A small cup of cottage cheese with fresh berries will provide your child with a healthy serving of protein, fiber and antioxidants.

Strawberry Pasta Salad is a yummy and original way to break out of the PBJ rut.

Click here to see the rest of the list.

This article first appeared on Taste of Home.