Rep. Andy Biggs: ‘Authoritarian nature’ of Democratic Party pushing away moderates

Are Democrats admitting they didn’t have enough evidence to impeach Trump?

Rep. Andy Biggs and House Minority Whip Steve Scalise react to Pelosi withholding articles of impeachment.

House Freedom Caucus Chairman Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., said Monday that the House Democrats are exhibiting their party’s «authoritarian nature» with the way House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and others have engineered the impeachment process against President Trump.

Rep. Biggs told host Dan Bongino on «Hannity» that the left wing of the party is now in control and has suppressed the ideology of the more moderate «blue dog» Democrats.

«Some of them are concerned but others are stuck in the middle with Nancy Pelosi,» he said. «I think you’ve got some that are more rational that are saying, ‘Hey, this is a real problem for us,’ but, you know, Dan what you are seeing is really a reflection of the authoritarian nature of the left of the Democratic Party.»

He said Pelosi effectively compelled her membership to vote in favor of impeachment articles against Trump regardless of the thoroughness of the case or gravity of the situation.


Biggs added that the Senate is very likely to acquit Trump — if the Speaker submits the articles to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., as prescribed — and that such a result may lead to the potential of another impeachment proceeding in the House.

The lawyer for House Judiciary Committee Democrats revealed in a Monday court filing that there is a possibility lawmakers could pursue even more articles of impeachment against Trump. The prospect of additional articles — while perhaps unlikely — was floated as part of a court battle over Democrats’ bid to compel testimony from former White House Counsel Don McGahn.

Biggs appeared to acknowledge that news, saying it is just the latest report that goes against what the approximately 30 Democratic House members in districts won by Trump may want.

«That is the authoritarian nature you see in the Democratic Party that actually beats down on the 31 Democrats within those swing districts,» he said. «They are all in trouble.»


One of those Democrats — Rep. Jeff Van Drew, R-N.J., — switched parties late last week in a move celebrated by Trump. One other moderate Democrat — Rep. Collin Peterson, D-Minn., — voted against the impeachment articles but has thus far remained with his party.

In addition, Bongino wondered aloud whether Pelosi knows that her caucus has taken a «spectacular faceplant» politically, as the impeachment process has turned out to be a boon for the president’s reelection campaign coffers.

«[A]s much as I disagree with their rancid political ideology, [Democrats] are not stupid,» he remarked. «They are usually a little bit more tactically efficient.»

Fox News’ Ronn Blitzer contributed to this report.