Dr. Ben Carson warns people who don’t follow coronavirus guidelines are ‘creating part of the problem’

Secretary Ben Carson praises President Trump’s leadership on coronavirus crisis

Coronavirus task force member Dr. Ben Carson, Housing and Urban Development secretary, joins Sean Hannity on ‘Hannity.’

HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson joined «Hannity» Monday to discuss the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.

«The president has excellent perspective. And, you know, early on, when a lot of people were saying, ‘No, you can’t impose a travel ban,’ you know, he he stood largely alone, courageously recognizing what the consequences would be if we had all these vectors of disease transferred to our country,» Carson, a member of the president’s coronavirus task force, told host Sean Hannity. «And then the same argument occurred when it came to Europe. And there there will be other tough decisions. He’s willing to make those decisions. And that makes a huge difference.»


Carson also praised the business community and their contributions.

«The real power in this country lies with our people. We have innovative people, entrepreneurial people. But we also have people who care,» Carson said. «We’re getting calls all the time from companies [saying] ‘What can I do to help?'»

«We need to understand that this is not a time for class warfare. This is a time for us to work together,» Carson added. «The American people are amazing when they’re willing to work together.»

Hannity brought up the H1N1 flu outbreak of 2009 and its impact, prompting Carson to talk about the severity of the coronavirus.

«Well, this particular virus is extraordinarily contagious. It’s probably two or three times more contagious than the average flu virus that we encounter. And that’s why we have to be very aggressive toward it,» Carson said. «And we can’t really relax and we can’t rest on our laurels. We have to continue to use scientific evidence to make the recommendations.»


The doctor called on Americans to follow the recommended guidelines the White House released Monday.

«They have to understand, even if you’re feeling great, you still need to follow the recommendations about keeping your hands clean, watching about your clothing, particularly if you’re coming in and mingling with the people who fit into the high risk categories,» Carson said. «If you don’t learn those things and do those things, then you’re creating part of the problem.»