President Trump, Melania Trump share holiday video: ‘We wish everyone a joyous and merry Christmas’

President Trump thanks US troops on Christmas Eve

Troops overseas receive holiday gifts; Lucas Tomlinson reports.

President Trump has mostly taken the day off of Twitter on Christmas, with the exception of posting holiday greetings from his family.

Wednesday morning, the president simply tweeted, «MERRY CHRISTMAS,» then followed that up by retweeting a video message from first lady Melania Trump and him.

«The president and I want to wish each and every American a very merry Christmas,» Melania Trump said at the beginning of the video, which was first posted by her account.


«At this sacred time of year, Christians celebrate the birth of our lord and savior, Jesus Christ, and rejoice in his love for every person,» the president continued. «We give thanks for the millions of Americans who come together to care for others with compassion and bring the warmth and bliss of this holy season to our families, our friends, our neighbors, and to those in need.»

The message concluded with a prayerful message of thanks to U.S. military and law enforcement.

«As we gather with loved ones this holiday, Americans across this land are grateful for all the men and women in uniform who keep us safe: our military, our police and everyone in law enforcement,» Mrs. Trump said.

The president closed, stating, «We say a special prayer for those military service members stationed far from home, and we renew our hope for peace among nations and joy to the world. On behalf of the entire Trump family, we wish everyone a joyous and merry Christmas and a very happy, happy new year.»

The president also retweeted a Christmas greeting from the White House’s official Twitter account.

The first family has been spending the holiday at the president’s private club in Palm Beach, Fla. They attended a music-filled Christmas Eve service at a Southern Baptist Convention-affiliated church before celebrating with dinner in the ballroom of his private club. They were expected to remain out of sight Wednesday.


On Tuesday evening, the first lady answered calls from children across the country as part of North American Aerospace Defense Command’s «Operation NORAD Tracks Santa» program. Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham said Mrs. Trump spoke with several children and heard items on their Christmas lists.

Grisham said Mrs. Trump «reminded the kids to put milk and cookies out for Santa, and wished each child and their families a very merry Christmas.»

The Associated Press contributed to this report.