2020 Dem candidates react to impeachment votes: ‘A sad moment’

The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives on Wednesday night adopted two articles of impeachment against President Trump, advancing them both to the Senate for a future trial, but one notable 2020 Democratic presidential contender voted «present» — rather than yay or nay.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, was the only member of Congress who voted «present», shirking her party’s almost unanimous vote to move the impeachment articles forward.

«Throughout my life, whether through serving in the military or in Congress, I’ve always worked to do what is in the best interest of our country. Not what’s best for me politically or what’s best for my political party,» Gabbard said in a statement following the vote. «After doing my due diligence in reviewing the 658-page impeachment report, I came to the conclusion that I could not in good conscience vote either yes or no.»

Meanwhile, other presidential hopefuls called the votes a «solemn moment» and a «sad day» for the country.


Former vice president Joe Biden, whose family has been the target of Trump’s alleged quid pro quo deal with the leader of Ukraine to open an investigation into their family, called the vote a «solemn moment for our country.»

«President Trump abused his power, violated his oath of office, and betrayed our nation,» Biden said. «This is a solemn moment for our country. But in the United States of America, no one is above the law — not even the President.»

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. — who will likely be a juror when the articles move to a Senate trial — said on Twitter: «Today is a sad but necessary day for American democracy. The U.S. House has voted to impeach President Trump, and that is the right thing to do.»

«No individual in this country, certainly not the president of the United States, is above the law, is above the Constitution,» Sanders continued in a video statement. «Now the process moves to the U.S. Senate where there’ll be a trial.»

«We cannot have a pathological liar in the White House,» he added.

Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., also called the vote on impeachment a «sad moment for our country.»

«The three-month House impeachment process has uncovered alarming evidence that an American president used his official power for personal gain, put our national security at risk, and obstructed the investigation,» he said.

«As this process heads to the Senate for trial, I’ll uphold my sacred oath to protect & defend the Constitution,» Booker added. «This trial demands an impartial & thorough review of the evidence. We must be presented with relevant witnesses & documents, and follow the evidence where it leads.»

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., echoed the oath of her fellow Democratic colleagues in the Senate, saying she is braced for the inevitable trial.

«Donald Trump has abused our diplomatic relationships and undermined our national security for his own personal, political gain. By voting to impeach him, the House has taken an important step to hold him accountable. I’m ready to fulfill my constitutional duty in the Senate,» Warren tweeted.


Mayor Pete Buttigieg, from South Bend, Indiana, also reacted to the House votes.

«Our lawmakers take an oath not to party but to country,» he tweeted. «That oath is all the more important in the most difficult of times. Today it required Congress to defend the rule of law, our national security, and our democracy from a president who puts his own interests above America’s.»

«But this is not just about this moment or this president,» he added. «It’s about our democracy itself. It’s about the era to come after this president leaves office. More than ever, we need leadership to pick up the pieces and move our nation forward.»